Journal Articles & Summary Factsheets
Health Studies
Eliasziw M, Hudda N, Durant JL, Zamore W, Brugge D. Concentration–Response Functions Relating Concentration and Duration of Ambient Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposure to Systolic Blood Pressure Environmental Health Perspectives. 2024, May 3. Volume 132 Issue 5.
Lin C, Lane KJ, Chomitz VR, Griffiths JK, Brugge D. The Exposure Peaks of Traffic-related Ultrafine Particles Associated with Inflammatory Biomarkers and Blood Lipid Profile. Toxic. 2024, 12(2), 147
Lane KJ, Levy JI, Patton AP, Durant JL, Zamore W, Brugge D. Relationship between traffic-related air pollution and inflammation biomarkers using structural equation modeling. Science of The Total Environment. 2023 Jan 27:161874.
Hudda N, Eliasziw M, Hersey S.O, Reisner E, Brook R.D, Wig Zamore W, John L. Durant J.L, Brugge D. Effect of Reducing Ambient Traffic-Related Air Pollution on Blood Pressure A Randomized Crossover Trial. Hypertension. 2021
Nephew B, Nemeth A, Hudda N, Beamer G, Mann P, Petitto J, Cali R, Kulkarni P, Febo M, Poirier G, King J, Durant JL, Brugge D. Traffic-related particulate matter affects behavior, inflammation, and neural integrity in a developmental rodent model. Environmental Research. 2020; 183:1092422.
Fuller CH, Appleton AA, Bulsara PJ, O’Neill MS, Chang HH, Sarnat JA, Falcón LM, Tucker KL, Brugge D. Sex differences in the interaction of short-term particulate matter exposure and psychosocial stress on C-reactive protein in a Puerto Rican cohort. Social Science & Medicine- Population Health. 2019; 9:100500
Walker, D.I,, Lane K.J., Liu K., Uppal K., Patton A.P., Durant J.L., Jones D.P., Brugge D. Pennell K.D. Metabolomic assessment of exposure to near-highway ultrafine particles. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology. 2019; 29:469–483
Corlin, L., Ball, S., Woodin, M., Patton, A.P., Lane, K., Durant, J.L., Brugge, D., Relationship of Time-Activity-Adjusted Particle Number Concentration with Blood Pressure. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2018; 15(9)
Fuller CH, O’Neill MS, Sarnat JA, Chang HH, Tucker KL, Brugge D. Short-and medium-term associations of particle number concentration with cardiovascular markers in a Puerto Rican cohort. Environmental Research. 2018; 166:595-601.
Corlin, L., Woodin, M., Hart, JE., Simon, M., Gute, DM., Stowell, J., Tucker, KL., Durant, J., and Brugge, D. Longitudinal associations of long-term exposure to ultrafine particles with blood pressure and systematic inflammation in Puerto Rican adults. Environmental Health. 2018; 17:33
Brugge, D., Simon, M. C., Hudda, N., Zellmer, M., Corlin, L., Cleland, S., Lu, EY., Rivera, S., Bryne, M., Chung, M., & Durant, J. L. Lessons from in-home air filtration intervention trials to reduce urban ultrafine particle number concentrations. 2017; Building and Environment 126 266-275
Li Y, Lane K.J., Corlin L, Patton A.P., Durant J, Thanikachalam M, Woodin M, Wang M, and Brugge D. Association of Long-Term Near-Highway Exposure to Ultrafine Particles with Cardiovascular Diseases, Diabetes and Hyperextension. International Journal of Environmetal Research and Public Health. 2017; 14, 461; doi:10.3390
Lane K.J, Levy J.I, Scammell M.K, Peters J.L., Patton A.P., Reisner E., Lowe L, Zamore W, Durant J., Brugge D. Association of modeled long-term personal exposure to ultrafine particles with inflammatory and coagulation biomarkers. Environment International. 2016; 92-93:173-182.
Padró-Martínez LT, Owusu E, Reisner E, Zamore W, Simon MC, Mwamburi M, Brown CA, Chung M, Brugge D, Durant JL. A randomized cross-over air filtration intervention trial for reducing cardiovascular health risks in residents of public housing near a highway. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2015; 12(7):7814-38.
Fuller CF, Williams PL, Mittleman MA, Patton AP, Spengler JD, Brugge D. Response of biomarkers of inflammation and coagulation to short-term changes in central site, local and predicted particle number concentrations. Annals of Epidemiology. 2015; 25(7);505-511.
Chung M, Wang DD, Rizzo AM, Gachette D, Delnord M, Parambi R, Kang C-M, Brugge D. Association of PNC, BC, PM2.5 measured at a central monitoring site with blood pressure in a predominantly near highway population. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2015; 12(3):2765-80.
Rioux CL, Tucker KL, Brugge D, Mwamburi M. Medication type modifies inflammatory response to traffic exposure in a population with type 2 diabetes. Environmental Pollution. 2015; 202:58-65.
Corlin L, Woodin M, Thanikachalam M, Lowe L, Brugge D. Evidence of the healthy immigrant effect in older Chinese immigrants: a cross-sectional study. BioMed Central Public Health. 2014; 14:603.
Brugge D, Lane K, Padró-Martínez LT, Stewart A, Hoesterey K, Weiss D, Wang DD, Levy JI, Patton AP, Zamore W, Mwamburi M. Highway proximity associated with cardiovascular disease risk: the influence of individual-level confounders and exposure misclassification. Environmental Health 2013; 12:84.
Brugge D, Lane K, Stewart A, Tai A, Woodin M. Highway proximity associations with blood markers of inflammation: Evidence for a role for IL-1ß. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A. 2013; 76:201–205.
Rioux CL, Tucker KL, Brugge D, Gute DM, Mwamburi M. Traffic Exposure in a Population with High Prevalence Type 2 Diabetes – Do Medications Influence Concentrations of C-Reactive Protein? Environmental Pollution. 2011; 159:2051-2060.
Rioux CL, Tucker KL, Mwamburi M, Gute DM, Cohen SA, Brugge D. Residential Traffic Exposure, Pulse Pressure and C-Reactive Protein: Consistency and Contrast Among Exposure Characterization Methods. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2010; 118:803-811.
Exposure Assessment
Leaffer D, Suh H, Durant JL, Tracey B, Roof C, Gute DM, Long-term measurement study of urban environmental low frequency noise Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, 2023
Thayer KL, Lane KJ, Simon MC, Brugge D, Fuller CH. An exploratory analysis of sociodemographic characteristics with ultrafine particle concentrations in Boston, MA PLOS ONE. 2022
Lin, C., Lane, K.J., Griffiths, J.K. and Brugge, D., A new exposure metric for the cumulative effect of short-term exposure peaks of traffic-related ultrafine particles. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2021, 1-14.
Corlin, L., Woodin, M., Amaravadi, H., Henderson, N., Brugge, D., Durant, J.L., Gute, D.M. A field study to estimate inhalation rates for use in a particle inhalation rate exposure metric. Science of the Total Environment. 2019, 696, 133919
Leaffer, D., Wolfe, C., Doroff, S., Gute, D., Wang, G., Ryan, P. Wearable Ultrafine Particle and Noise Monitoring Sensors Jointly Measure Personal Co-Exposures in a Pediatric Population. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019, 16(3), 308
Lane KJ, Levy JI, Scammell MK, Patton AP, Durant JL, Mwamburi M, Zamore W, Brugge D. Effect of time-activity adjustment on exposure assessment for traffic-related ultrafine particles. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 2015; 25:506-516.
Wu C-D, MacNaughton P, Melly S, Lane K, Adamkiewicz G, Durant JL, Brugge D, Spengler JD. Mapping the vertical distribution of population and particulate air pollution in a near–highway urban neighborhood: Implications for exposure assessment. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 2014; 24:297-304.
Lane K, Scammell K, Levy JI, Fuller C, Parambi R, Zamore W, Mwamburi M, Brugge D.Positional error and time-activity patterns in near-highway proximity studies: an exposure misclassification analysis. Environmental Health. 2013; 12:75.
Fuller CH, Brugge D, Williams PL, Mittleman MA, Lane K, Durant JL, Spengler JD. Indoor and outdoor measurements of particle number concentration in near-highway homes. Journal of Exposure Science And Environmental Epidemiology. 2013; 23:506-512.
Air Pollution Monitoring and Modeling
Simon MC, Naumova EN, Levy JI, Brugge D, Durant JL. An Ultrafine Particle Number Concentration Model for Estimating Retrospective and Prospective Long-Term Ambient Exposures in Urban Neighborhoods. Environmental Science & Technology. 2020; 54:1677−1686.
Hudda N, Durant JL, Nemeth A, Mann P, Petitto J, Brugge D, Nephew BC. Bedding-generated particulate matter: potential implications for rodent studies. Inhalation Toxicology. 2019; 31:368–375.
Simon MC, Patton AP, Naumova EN, Levy JI, Kumar P, Brugge D, Durant JL. Combining Measurements from Mobile Monitoring and a Reference Site To Develop Models of Ambient Ultrafine Particle Number Concentration at Residences. 2018. Environmental Science and Technology. 52(12), 6985-6995.
Hudda, N., Simon, M. C., Zamore, W., & Durant, J. L. Aviation-Related Impacts on Ultrafine Particle Number Concentrations Outside and Inside Residences near an Airport. (2018) Environmental science & technology, (4), 1765-1772.
Simon, M. C., Hudda, N, Naumov, E. N, Levy, J. I., Brugge, D, & Durant, J. L. Comparisons of traffic-related ultrafine particle number concentrations measured in two urban areas by central, residential, and mobile monitoring. 2017; Atmospheric Environment, 169, 113-127.
Leaffer, D. J., Mailk, R, Tracey, B, Gute, D. M, Hastings, A. L., Roof, C. J., & Noel, G. J. Correlating transportation noise frequencies with ultrafine particulate emissions by source: Implications for environmental health studies. In Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics. 2017; 173EAA (Vol. 30, No. 1, p. 040004). ASA.
Hudda, N, Simon, MC, Zamore, W, Brugge, D, & Durant, JL. Aviation Emissions Impact Ambient Ultrafine Particle Concentrations in the Greater Boston Area. Environmental Science and Technology. 2016.
Patton, A, Milando, C, Durant, JL., & Kumar, P. Assessing the Suitability of Multiple Dispersion and Land Use Regression Models for Urban Traffic-Related Ultrafine Particles. 2017. Environmental Science and Technology. 51 (1), pp 384–392
Patton, AP, Zamore W, Naumova EN, Levy JI, Brugge D, Durant JL. Transferability and Generalizability of Regression Models of Ultrafine Particles in Urban Neighborhoods in the Boston Area. Environmental Science and Technology. 2015; 49(10):6051-6060.
Patton AP, Perkins J, Zamore W, Levy JI, Brugge D, Durant JL. Spatial and temporal differences in traffic-related air pollution in three urban neighborhoods near an interstate highway. Atmospheric Environment. 2014; 99:309-21.
Patton AP, Collins C, Naumova EN, Zamore W, Brugge D, Durant JL. An hourly regression model for ultrafine particles in a near-highway urban area. Environmental Science and Technology. 2014; 48(6):3272-3280.
Perkins JL, Padró-Martínez LT, Durant JL. Particle number emission factors for an urban highway tunnel. Atmospheric Environment. 2013; 74:326-337.
Padró-Martínez LT, Patton AP, Trull JB, Zamore W, Brugge D, Durant JL. Mobile monitoring of particle number concentration and other traffic-related air pollutants in a near-highway neighborhood over the course of a year. Atmospheric Environment. 2012; 61:253-264.
Fuller CH, Brugge D, Williams P, Mittleman M, Durant JL, Spengler JD. Estimation of ultrafine particle concentrations at near-highway residences using data from local and central monitors. Atmospheric Environment 2012; 57:257-265.
Durant JL, Ash CA, Wood EC, Herndon SC, Jayne JT, Knighton WB, Canagaratna MR, Trull JB, Brugge D, Zamore W, and Kolb CE. Short-term variation in near-highway air pollutant gradients on a winter morning. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2010; 10:8341–8352.
Rioux CL, Gute DM, Brugge D, Peterson S, Parmenter B. Characterizing Urban Traffic Exposures Using Transportation Planning Tools: An Illustrated Methodology for Health Researchers. Journal of Urban Health. 2010; 87:167-188.
Health Literacy and Communication
Ginzburg S, Botana Martinez P, Reisner E, Chappell S, Brugge D, Kurtz Rossi S. An Evaluation of an Environmental Health Infographic in Community Settings. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing. January 2021.
Wong C, Wu CH, Cleary E, Patton AP, Xie A, Grinstein G, Koch-Wesser S, Brugge D. Visualizing Air Pollution: Communication of Environmental Health Information in a Chinese Immigrant Community. Journal of Health Communication, International Perspectives. 2019; 24:339-358.
Brugge D, Migdalia Tracy, Thayer K, Thayer A, Dayer B, Figueroa N & Rossi, S. The Role of Environmental Health Literacy When Developing Traffic Pollution Fact Sheets for Puerto Rican Adults. Environmental Justice. 2018; 1:22.
Cleary E, Patton A, Wu H, Xie A, Stubblefield J, Mass W, Grinstein G, Koch-Weser S, Brugge D, Wong C. Making Air Pollution Visible: A Tool for Promoting Environmental Health Literacy. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance. 2017/2/e16/
Laws MB, Yeh Y, Reisner E, Stone K, Wang T, Brugge D. Gender, ethnicity, and environmental risk perception revisited: the importance of residential location. Journal of Community Health. 2015; 40(5):948-955.
Reviews, Methods, Policy and CBPR
Singh-Smith K, Sprague Martinez L, Eliasziw M, Lerman Ginzburg S, Hudda N, Betz GM, Gurcan A, Vazquez-Dodero T, Mertl A, Goldstein-Gelb W, Zamore W, Brugge D. Reaction to at-home air purifiers installed to reduce traffic-related air pollution in near-highway residences | Trials, 2024, 25:551.
Martinez LS, Ginzburg SL, Ron S, Brinkerhoff CA, Haque S, England SA, Khimani K, Zamore W, Reisner E, Lowe L, Brugge D. Communities catalyzing change with data to mitigate an invisible menace, traffic-related air pollution. BMC Public Health 2024, 24:411.
Brugge D., Li J., Zamore W., On the Need for Human Studies of PM Exposure Activation of the NLRP3 Inflammasome Toxics. 2023; 11(3), 202
Ginzburg, S.L., Vazquez-Dodero, T., Mason, C., Hudda, N., Meunier, L., Martínez, L.S., Eliasziw, M. and Brugge, D.,. Adapting an In-Home Randomized Intervention Trial Protocol for COVID-19 Precautions. IJERPH, 2023:20(3), pp.1-11.
Dimitri, N.C., Lerman Ginzburg, S., Ron, S., Xu, D., Angali England, S., Lowe, L., Botana, P., Araujo Brinkerhoff, C., Haque, S., Brugge, D. and Sprague Martinez, L., Advancing Environmental Justice in the Community Using Charrette: A Case Study in Boston Chinatown. Environmental Justice. 2022.
Brugge D, Ginzburg SL, Hudda N, Martinez LS, Meunier L, Hersey SP, Hochman I, Walker DI, Echevarria B, Thanikachalam M, Durant JL. A randomized crossover trial of HEPA air filtration to reduce cardiovascular risk for near highway residents: Methods and approach. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2021; 108:106520.
Ron S, Dimitri N, Ginzburg SL, Reisner E, Martinez PB, Zamore W, Echevarria E, Brugge D, Martinez LS. Health Lens Analysis: A Strategy to Engage Community in Environmental Health Research in Action. Sustainability 2021; 13(4), 1748
Martinez LS, Dimitri N, Ron S, Hudda N, Zamore W, Lowe, L, Echevarria B, Durant J, Brugge, D, Reisner E. Two Communities, One Highway and the Fight for Clean Air: The Role of Political History in Shaping Community Engagement and Environmental Health Research Translation. BMC Public Health 2020; 20: 1690.
Fuller C, Brugge D. Environmental Justice: Disproportionate impacts of transportation on vulnerable communities. In, Traffic-Related Air Pollution: Emissions, Human Exposures, and Health, Khreis H, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Ramani T, Zietsman J, Eds., Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2020.
Martinez LS, Zamore W, Finley A, Reisner E, Lowe L, Brugge D. CBPR partnerships and near roadway pollution: A promising strategy to influence the translation of research into practice. Environments. 2020; 7:44.
Brugge D. On the Need for Better Exposure Assessment for Air Pollution with High Spatial and Temporal Variation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019; 16(9), 1594
Kumar P, Patton AP, Durant JL, Frey C. A review of factors impacting exposure to PM2.5, ultrafine particles and black carbon in Asian transport microenvironments. Atmospheric Environment. 2018; 187:301-316
Martinez LS, Reisner E, Campbell M, Brugge D. Participatory Democracy, Community Organizing and the Community Assessment of Freeway Exposure and Health (CAFEH) Partnership. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2017; 14, 149
Brugge D, Patton AP, Bob A, Reisner E, Lowe L, Bright OM, Durant JL, Newman J, Zamore W. Developing community-level policy and practice to reduce traffic-related air pollution exposure. Environmental Justice. 2015; 8 (3):95-104.
Brugge D, Reisner E, Padró-Martínez LT, Zamore W, Owusu E, Durant JL. In-home air filtration for improving cardiovascular health: Lessons from a CBPR study in public housing. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action. 2013; 7:49-56.
Fuller CH, Patton AP, Lane K, Laws MB, Marden A, Carrasco E, Spengler J, Mwamburi M, Zamore W, Durant JL, Brugge D. A Community Participatory Study of Cardiovascular Health and Exposure to Near-highway Air Pollution: Study Design and Methods. Reviews on Environmental Health 2013; 28:1-72.
Brugge D, Siu JW, Schiff D, Hui C, Palella M, Buchner V, Woodin M. Methodological lessons and pilot data on the effect of proximity of homes and schools to highways on pediatric asthma and lung function. Reviews on Environmental Health. 2011; 26:119-125.
Hemphill Fuller C, Reisner E, Meglio D, Brugge D. Challenges of using community-based participatory research to research and solve environmental problems. In Participatory partnerships for social action and research. Harter LM, Hamel-Lambert J, Millesen J, eds. 2011:31-48.
Brugge D, Durant JL, Rioux C. Near-highway pollutants in motor vehicle exhaust: A review of epidemiologic evidence of cardiac and pulmonary health risks. Environmental Health. 2007; 6:23.
Thanikachalam M, Fuller CH, Lane KJ, Sunderarajan J, Harivanzan V, Brugge D, Thanikachalam S. Urban environment as an independent predictor of insulin resistance in a South Asian population. International Journal of Health Geographics. 2019; 18:5.
Corlin L, Lane KJ, Sunderarajan J, Chui KKH, Vijayakumar H, Krakoff L, Chandrasekaran A, Thanikachalam S, Brugge D, Thanikachalam M. Urbanization as a risk factor for aortic stiffness in a cohort in India. Public Library of Science. 2018: e0201036.